Shortcomings of Central Social Networks

3 min readFeb 10, 2022


Under central platforms, news information and even people themselves are manipulated and silenced to benefit large organizations. On top of central social networks, the central authority profits off the user’s consumption of content, selling their data and displaying them targeted ads, but in reality, the central network provides no value to the user, aside from the platform upon which they interact. The central authority provides nothing to the user other than a falsification, a belief that you truly have a voice.

“We feel free because we lack the very language to articulate our unfreedom.” — Slavoj Žižek

Omnis will fix this, by being fully decentral, there is no central authority to tell you what you can and can’t be on the platform, as such, users gain a true voice, able to rally others, users are able to voice any opinion they wish, at the largest scale possible — truly creating change.

This of course comes with one fundamental, unchangeable rule; all content must remain legal. This remains subjective to where the data of those actions is held, but any illegal content will be blocked from view of users in countries where the action is illegal. For example, if content is uploaded which is legal in China but illegal in the United States, users registered under a Chinese OmnisCore will be able to view this content, and those signed under U.S. Cores will not. This way, all content is allowed as long as it remains legal, and users are never unfairly censored by a central authority.


A fundamental flaw of centralized social networks is their algorithmically curated feeds, which build internal biases and polarization within the user. Every social network today functions off a similar algorithm, which continually shows the user content similar to what they have interacted with in the past. This forces the user farther and farther from an objective view, until they are only being shown one point of view.

Imagine you enter Twitter with a fresh account, and you lean slightly more politically leftist, naturally, you will interact with more leftist-positive content, and less rightist-positive content. Due to your inevitable interaction with a greater amount of leftist-positive content, your feed will begin only showing you leftist content, and not displaying rightist point of views, as such, you will inescapably become more leftist.

This cycle of extremism is extremely dangerous as over 80% of Americans attain their news primarily from social media, and these algorithmically polarizing feeds continue to propagate an extremist and toxic digital culture.

Omnis will bypass this by implementing an innovative new algorithm for curating user’s content feeds, allowing the user to gain an objective view on any situation rather than being shown subjective, one-sided parts of information. Omnis will build a united future, where users can see both sides of an issue and come together to solve it, rather than fight about it.

Data Safety

Another prime shortcoming of centralized social networks is that one party holds all the data, making it relatively insecure and easily hackable. Furthermore, a single breach in the system results in the compromisation of every user’s data. Under a centralized system, there is no solution to this problem, every major central authority, from Facebook to the SEC has faced a breach of data. Omnis implements the first easily accesible decentral social network through a distributed client model. Under our decentral system, data breaches are next to impossible, and even if they do occur, only a minute amount of data would be compromised.

fig. A — Centralization | fig. B — Decentralization | fig. C — Decentral Distribution (Omnis)


Within the bounds of a centralized social network, the user is never truly the consumer, rather the user functions as the product. On top of the platform, the user exists solely to create data and to propagate interaction, creating further data. In reality, the central authority is aiming to profit off the users, while the users gain zero compensation for their data. The true consumers are the advertisers, and user data is their content. Users of the Omnis Network benefit from the fact that they can be sure their data is held safely, securely, and trustlessly. Omnis makes sure that each individual is exactly that, an individual — you are not your data. The user is what brings value to the platform, and for the first time in history, users will be fairly compensated for that.




Molding the future of human interaction through decentralization. —